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Sustainability in Building: Yes, we can

20 Aug 2024

It is a common fact that we are not doing our environment any good with our current lifestyle - this also applies to our buildings. But when it comes to actively tackling solutions, too many people hide behind two little words: "yes" and "but”.

In this Podcast episode, Dr. Christine Lemaitre, CEO at DGNB German Sustainable Building Council shares her contagious passion and commitment for sustainable buildings and convinces us why it's time to turn the "yes, but" into a "yes, I'm in!" and how this can succeed.

Moderation: Rosalia Virga (Messe Frankfurt)

Listen to this podcast on Spotify.

"We try to save the world (which is quite an ambitious task) through buildings. We work tirelessly to basically transform the build environment and the building industry to a sustainable business."

…CEO at DGNB German Sustainable Building Council and strongly committed to the build world we leave behind. Day by day she pushes forward the transformation of the building industry towards a sustainable business, also through memberships at the World Green Building Council (WGBC), the Sustainability Board of the German Property Federation (ZIA) and the  board of directors of the Cradle to Cradle Product Innovation Institute. Moreover, she is co-founder of the international planners’ initiative Building Sense Now! and the European Network for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals G17.

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